This activity was participated by seven lecturers and twelve students from Faculty of Engineering Technology, which was lead by PM Dr. Angzzas Sari Bt Mohd Kassim and PM Dr. Chan Chee Ming.

Hanyang University is a private research university in South Korea. The main campus is in Seoul, and the second one, the Education Research Industry Cluster at Ansan, or ERICA campus, is located in Ansan. Hanyang (한양;漢陽) derives from the former name of the capital Seoul which was used during the Chosun Dynasty. Its motto and educational philosophy is Love in Deed and Truth.
The university established the nation's first engineering institute (DongA Engineering Institute) in 1939 which became the founding facility of Hanyang University. It also established the first school of architecture and civil engineering in Korea.
Hanyang University has an alumni network of 300,000 that is not limited to the field of engineering but also to other fields. In 2015, Hanyang was ranked 1st for the number of CEO alumni of venture companies. In 2017, QS ranked Hanyang University 155th in '2017 QS World University Rankings'.
The university enrolls over 3,000 foreign students each year and more than 3,000 students study abroad annually. HYU counts the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Cambridge, and Tsinghua University among its 777 partner universities in 76 countries.

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Yonsei University opened the door to modern higher education over one century ago. It has since then emerged as the nation’s top private university and ranks among the world’s most prestigious universities. Building on our history and tradition, Yonsei will actively pursue a new future. Seeking to find our place in the spectrum of civilizational transition, Yonsei will lead the next 100 years and write a new history.
We are now entering a world of unimagined possibilities. In a whirlwind of massive transformations, the rapid development of communication and scientific technologies in particular are reshaping the university teaching and research environment entirely. The demand is rising for a new education model that supports a generation expected to live to be 100 years old. Thus, Yonsei University is reforming its research, education system, and supporting administration in order to lead the way in forward-thinking research and education for a changing society.
Merely providing highly specialized knowledge, as was the practice in an industrial society of the past, would now be a disservice to students who will live to see the turning of a new century. Even in an age where artificial intelligence surpasses human cognitive ability, Yonsei will answer the call to foster the creative skills that can only be carried out by human beings. Yonsei is developing diverse programs to foster creativity in a “network society.” In the modern era, constant interactions of different areas of knowledge and expertise build networks that give way to entirely new forms of knowledge and perspective.


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